Gift Ideas for Teachers & Grads
It seems like it was back-to-school time not very long ago, and here we are already talking summer and graduations, etc.! This part of the year always seems to get a little bit crazy for parents when you have kids in school. There's so much to do - kids have last minute projects, and school events. There's also figuring out gifts for Teacher Appreciation week (Next week! May 7-11) or end-of-the-year gifts, making plans for summer break, tying up loose ends before school gets out, and graduation gifts to plan for. It's so much!
To help you keep some of the end-of-the-year craziness to a minimum we have some easy gift ideas for the teachers and grads in your life!
Teacher Gifts:
- This note card + a gift card to a favorite store or restaurant.
- This note card + a bouquet of flowers

- This note card + this mini print set. You could also frame the prints and use each print as an individual gift, which is perfect if you have multiple teachers you're wanting to give gifts to. This frame is a great option.
Grad Gifts:
- This note card + a gift card to a favorite store or restaurant.
2. This note card + this mini print set + a photo display. This one is a great option!
Hopefully, these ideas will get a couple of to-do's crossed off your list!