Home is the nicest word there is...
Laura Ingalls Wilder said it best -- Home is the nicest word there is.
Over the past few years I have totally become a homebody. I look forward to the weekends where we can work on the garden, cook good meals, and just be together. I feel joy in making our house a home. I think that's why this quote resonates with me. I have used in in several pieces I created - here and here.
While I still love both of those designs I didn't feel like they translated over well to something for a kitchen towel. So while I was drawing out this piece it clicked with me what I needed to create.
Now we have these beautiful, simple towels ready for your home and the inspiration for a whole new line of products I'll be working on this summer for Pen & Paint. I hope you like them, and hope they will add just a little joy to the process of making your house a home.
Photo Credit: Alison Little