Can you believe Summer is here?! It's time for sunny days, splashing in the pool, and lots of lemonade.
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I opened an Etsy shop eight years ago in May of 2009 as a hobby and creative outlet. I left the workplace to stay at home with my first child. I loved to create, and I started painting for friends and family.
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Happy March! This month is filled with so many exciting things - birthdays to celebrate, my wedding anniversary, and a trip to Uganda (I'll share more soon).
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Valentine's Day at school was always so exciting when I was a younger. I loved filling out all my valentine cards for my classmates and decorating my valentine shoe box.
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It has taken me a while to get back in the groove after the holidays, so you may have noticed a lack of posts, freebies, and newsletters. I'm learning as we grow and have high hopes for this year.
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January flew right by, and now it's all hearts, and love, and Valentines-related goodness!
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Need a cute, quick Valentine idea? Well, I did ;) so I made these!
My boys love cuties (clementines) and puns, so this little Valentine will be perfect for them
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Well hello 2016, just a month late. December and January flew by before I could blink. I have high hopes for a year filled with productivity and creativity.
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