December FREE Wallpaper & Background

December FREE Wallpaper & Background

Welcome December! I hope your month is off to a cozy start. This month's free desktop background & wallpaper is full of warm wishes.

To download the phone wallpaper simply save the above image to your phone/tablet.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

Happy December!

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*

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FREE August Desktop Background & Phone Wallpaper

FREE August Desktop Background & Phone Wallpaper

Happy August! We're wrapping up a fun filled Summer and getting ready for Fall. It's that in-between month where I'm not quite ready to give up sunshine, and I'm so ready for cool weather.

To download the phone wallpaper go here to save the above image to your phone/tablet.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*

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FREE July lock screen & background

FREE July lock screen & background

Happy July! We're spending this month eating popsicles, swimming in the pool, and soaking up the sunshine. 

To download the phone wallpaper you can go here.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*

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May FREE Desktop Background

May FREE Desktop Background

Hello May! I hope you will enjoy these vibrant flowers all month long.

To download the phone wallpaper you can go here.
To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!

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Free April Desktop & Phone Wallpaper

Free April Desktop & Phone Wallpaper

Hello April! This month is filled with colorful blooms for you to enjoy all month long.

To download the phone wallpaper go hereTo download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*
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March Free Desktop Background & Wallpaper

March Free Desktop Background & Wallpaper

Hello March! This month we anticipating Spring and happy blooms.

To download the phone wallpaper go hereTo download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*
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FREE February Desktop Background & Lock screen

FREE February Desktop Background & Lock screen

Hello February! This month we have a happy bouquet for you to enjoy. 

To download the phone wallpaper go hereTo download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*
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2021 Free Desktop Background & Phone Wallpaper

2021 Free Desktop Background & Phone Wallpaper

May 2021 be a year of -
(poppies) remembrance and hope for a peaceful future, (daisies) new beginnings, (ferns) endurance and resourcefulness. Happy New Year friends!
To download the phone wallpaper simply save the above image to your phone/tablet.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

Welcome 2021!

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*
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Advent Calendar - Display Suggestions and FAQ

Advent Calendar - Display Suggestions and FAQ

Our new Pen & Paint Advent calendars are here, and we are so excited to share this special tradition with you!

Each 2020 calendar comes with 27 individual pages including a front and back cover page, a suggested daily guide, display options, and a drawstring bag for storage. This year we have different sizes and display options available. 

Our hope is that each mini print will bring joy to the tradition you and your loved ones practice as you count the days to Christmas.

Suggested Guide - The suggested guide we provide is ordered with the four Sundays of Advent (Hope–Peace–Joy–Love) beginning on November 29th. We included 26 cards for the 26 days of Advent along with a card for Christmas Day. 

Display Options - Because we know many people celebrate Advent in different ways, our goal was to make our calendar as ecumenical and versatile as possible. There are no numbers or days specified on the cards and each print is blank on the back. 

Advent Banner Display-
 One way to enjoy your Advent calendar is to hang a new print each day. For this you can use twine & mini clothespins. Hang the twine on your mantel, below a shelf, or on the wall. Each day clip the corresponding print as you count the days until Christmas.
Advent Wreath Display -
Another way to enjoy your Advent calendar is to display it in the center of your Advent wreath. For this you can use the provided wooden stand. Each day display the corresponding print as you light the candles and count the days until Christmas.
Advent Ornament Display -
Another way to enjoy your Advent calendar is to hang a new print each day on your Christmas tree. For this you can use string & a hole punch. Punch a hole in each print and add a loop of string. Each day hang the corresponding print as you count the days until Christmas.
  • When does Advent begin? This year Advent begins on Sunday, November 29th and goes through December 24th.
  • Can I use this a Christmas countdown calendar? Of course. The purpose of this is for you to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas. There are 27 pages this year which will work perfectly for counting down days from December 1-25.
  • Is this calendar just specific to 2020? Yes and no. Yes, because Advent this year is November 29 - December 24, 2020, there are 26 pages and an additional page for Christmas day. However, because there are no specific dates on the pages, so it can be used for years to come.
  • What size are the mini prints? This year we are offering two sizes - mini prints are 4x4 inches and our larger size has 5.25 x 5.25 prints. We wanted them to be versatile so we made them a size that was suitable to hang as an ornament or a banner, fit in the center of an Advent wreath, or even be used as a gift tag.
  • Are the pages dated? No, but the suggested guide will give you a date with the description of the corresponding page so you know which page to display each day.
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FREE November background & wallpaper

FREE November background & wallpaper

Hello November! To download the phone wallpaper simply save the above image to your phone/tablet. 

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*

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FREE October background & wallpaper

FREE October background & wallpaper

Happy October! We have pulled out all our pumpkins and are enjoying cooler days. To download the phone wallpaper simply save the above image to your phone/tablet.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*
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FREE August background/wallpaper

FREE August background/wallpaper

Happy August! If I'm honest, I wasn't quite ready for August to arrive. Now that it's here I'm ready for Fall ;) Until then, I hope these bright sunflowers will keep you company!

To download the phone wallpaper simply save the above image to your phone/tablet.

To download your free desktop you can go here. Once you have saved the image you can set it as your background through your system preferences (desktop/screensaver)/control panel (appearance/personalization).

*As with all my freebies, please remember these are for personal use only for you to enjoy. Please link back and credit. Thanks!*

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